Carbon Footprint

Terra Neutral

Terra Neutral has scientists with more than 25 years of experience in environmental management, sustainable development and measurements.

Our company, has expertise on carbon footprint and Emission Trading System, as well as in the development of Life Cycle Analysis of products.

In this context, it calculates the carbon footprint and other sustainable indices for its clients using various tools.

We provide support and consulting to our clients regarding:

EU Emission Trading System (ETS)

Reporting for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the framework of the EU Emission Trading System (Regulation 601/2012).

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD)

Development of Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) according to ISO 14025, where the environmental performance of the product is described from a life cycle perspective. Α life cycle assessment (LCA) of the product is performed according to ISO 14044:2006. The development of Life cycle Analysis is performed taking into account appropriate Product Category Rules for each product (PCR).

Carbon Footprint of products and sustainable indices

Performance of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and environmental indicators of products. Calculation of carbon footprint of products according to PΑS 2050:2011 and ISO 14040.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC) according to the requirements of the methodology proposed by ISO 14064-1:2018, UNFCC and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, WRI as well as EU strategy for climate change.

Science Based Targets and reduction targets

Development of a strategic plan of targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions aiming at carbon neutrality.

Carbon Neutrality – Net Zero

Development of Statement for the declaration of carbon neutrality for various activities according to PAS 2060:2014 and other standards.

Sustainable services

Carbon Footprint

Sustainable development and Environmental Compliance

Environmental Measurements