Terra Neutral has scientists with more than 25 years of experience in environmental management, sustainable development and measurements.
Environmental noise assessment is carried out following international standards (ISO 1996-1, ISO 1996-2:2017), which aim at estimating noise levels (Leq) and noise indicators (Lden and Lnight) in accordance to the requirements of the legislation (PD 1180/81, MD D7/A/12050/2223/2011, JMD 13586/724/2006, PD 455/1976).
The measurement of employees’ exposure to noise is performed according to the international standards (EN ISO 9612:2009) and the legislative requirements (PD 149/2006, MD D7/Α/12050/2223/2011).
It is important to design a specific noise measurement plan, depending on the type of noise source and its characteristics, the background noise and the purpose of the measurement.
Our team performs noise measurements from a variety of sources including: