
Terra Neutral

Terra Neutral has scientists with more than 25 years of experience in environmental management, sustainable development and measurements.

Environmental noise assessment is carried out following international standards (ISO 1996-1, ISO 1996-2:2017), which aim at estimating noise levels (Leq) and noise indicators (Lden and Lnight) in accordance to the requirements of the legislation (PD 1180/81, MD D7/A/12050/2223/2011, JMD 13586/724/2006, PD 455/1976).

The measurement of employees’ exposure to noise is performed according to the international standards (EN ISO 9612:2009) and the legislative requirements (PD 149/2006, MD D7/Α/12050/2223/2011).

It is important to design a specific noise measurement plan, depending on the type of noise source and its characteristics, the background noise and the purpose of the measurement.

Our team performs noise measurements from a variety of sources including:

  • traffic noise,
  • noise from highways,
  • harbors,
  • industries,
  • heliports,
  • noise from equipment,
  • labor noise exposure